Displaying 1 to 3 of 3 results
December 9
Antioquia, Apartadó

A few kilometers from the Gulf of Urabá is Apartadó, in the heart of the banana growing area, this being the main crop in the region. The name of the municipality is linked to this product,…

August 11
Antioquia, Apartadó

In August, Apartadó celebrates the "Fiestas de La Antioqueñidad", a festival that pays tribute to the culture and traditions of all the regions of the department, and is celebrated on the 11th in…

July 16
Antioquia, Apartadó

On July 16, the municipality of Apartadó pays tribute to the drivers during the traditional festival of the Virgen del Carmen (Fiestas de La Virgen del Carmen)
The main event takes…