On July 16, the Feast of the Virgin of Mount Carmel (Fiestas De La Virgen Del Carmen) is celebrated in Amalfi, one of the most popular celebrations in the religious calendar, not only in this municipality but throughout the country. During this day the drivers pay tribute to their patron saint.
Trucks, dump trucks, buses, taxis and private cars parade through the roads and streets of the town beautifully decorated with blue, white and gold balloons, flowers and images of the Virgin Mary, sounding their horns, as is tradition on these dates throughout the whole country. Colombia.
Amalfians take to the streets to watch the parade and the day is completed with fireworks.
These festivities are not only a tribute to the Virgin of Carmen, but also a celebration of the cultural and spiritual identity of Amalfi and a sample of the popular forms of Catholic devotion in Colombia, consolidating itself as one of the most beloved and anticipated traditions of the municipality.