In mid-December, the town of Puerto Rondón, located on the banks of the Casanare River, which marks the boundary between the departments of Arauca and Casanare, celebrates its patron saint festivities in honor of the Virgin Immaculate.
These festivities are a celebration of "llanero" culture, featuring typical regional activities such as a "llanera" music contest with traditional categories like "voz recia" (strong voice), "voz pasaje" (soft ballad voice), and "copla" (improvised verses); traditional dance gatherings to the rhythm of joropo; and characteristic sports and games such as bull "coleo" (steer wrestling) and cockfighting competitions.
As part of the fairs and festivities, an agricultural and commercial fair also takes place, attracting numerous regional ranchers and featuring equine and cattle judging events.
Additionally, the "rondoneña" community gathers to enjoy dawn celebrations and "llanero" sunrises organized throughout the festivities, as well as concerts with local artists and special guests.
The patron saint festivities of Puerto Rondón strengthen the town’s sense of identity and social cohesion, celebrating the cultural roots and religious devotion of both the municipality and the region.