Displaying 1 to 6 of 413 results
July 20
Cauca, Balboa

In July in Balboa, municipality of Risaralda located about 50 kilometers northwest of Pereira, the Tourist, Cultural and Green Market Agrofair and Biotrade of the Colombian Coffee Cultural…

December 16
Boyacá, Tunja

The Christmas season is celebrated in Tunja with the traditional "Aguinaldo Boyacense", a festival classified as the city's cultural heritage. 

The first edition of the "Aguinaldo"…

December 13
Antioquia, Carepa

In mid-December the town of Carepa in Urabá Antioquia celebrates its anniversary, commemorating ordinance 7 of December 15, 1983 by which the town was erected into a municipality, in what is also…

January 21
Putumayo, Leguízamo

In the first month of the year, the anniversary festivities of Puerto Leguízamo(Aniversario de Fundación de Puerto Leguizamón) are celebrated, a municipality founded on January 22, 1920 with the…

April 8
Cundinamarca, Tenjo

In April, the municipality of Tenjo celebrates its anniversary festivities (Aniversario de Fundación Tenjo), where locals commemorate the town's founding by Judge Diego Gómez de Mena on April 8,…

April 6

The Anniversary of Villavicencio (Aniversario de la Ciudad de Villavicencio), celebrated every year on April 6, commemorates the founding of this city, capital of the department of Meta and…