Displaying 337 to 342 of 413 results
January 17
Antioquia, Nechí

Located near the point where the departments of Antioquia, Bolívar, and Córdoba meet, the culture of the municipality of Nechí is heavily influenced by that of Colombia’s Caribbean coast. This is…

November 9
Antioquia, Liborina

In November, during the festive long weekend of the Independence of Cartagena, the Bean Festival (Fiestas del Frijol ) is celebrated in Liborina, with which the municipality pays tribute to its…

November 10
Antioquia, Armenia

About 50 kilometers southwest of Medellín is the municipality of Armenia that every November celebrates its Geranium and Fiambre Festivals (Fiestas del Geranio y del Fiambre), a festival that has…

October 8
Antioquia, Dabeiba

The Grain and Return Festivals (Fiestas del Grano y El Retorno) in Dabeiba, Antioquia, are an annual celebration that takes place in December, designed to honor the rich agricultural tradition of…

November 3
Antioquia, Puerto Triunfo

In the young municipality of Puerto Triunfo in Magdalena Medio Antioquia, known mainly for being the place where Pablo Escobar's famous Hacienda Nápoles was located, the Lemon and Sympathy…

September 23
Antioquia, Turbo

The small township of San Vicente del Congo in the municipality of Turbo celebrates its Corn Festivals (Fiestas Del Maíz) every year, an event that has been held since the early 2000s.