August 18
Cesar, Valledupar
In August, the Livestock and Agroindustrial Fair takes place in Valledupar, capital of Cesar, the most important event in this sector in the entire department.
During the fair, high-…
November 12
Cesar, Valledupar
In November, the district of Los Corazones within the jurisdiction of Valledupar hosts the Accordion, Verses and Songs Festival (Festival de Acordeones, Versos y Canciones), an event that…
April 27
Cesar, Valledupar
Since 1968, the Vallenato Legend Festival (Festival de La Leyenda Vallenata), also known as "Festival Vallenato", has been held in Valledupar at the end of April or beginning of May, the most…
May 30
Cesar, Valledupar
The town of Atánquez in the municipality of Valledupar, part of the Kankuamo indigenous reservation, is home to a centuries-old tradition known as Los Diablitos de Corpus Christi.