In August in the municipality of Seville, north of the department of Valle del Cauca, the Bandola Festival (Festival de la Bandola) takes place, an event that emerged in 1996 with the aim of paying tribute to Colombian folk music.
The concerts are the core of the festival. Groups from all over the country perform in different stages of the town, performing traditional rhythms such as the pasillo, the bambuco, the guabina and the torbellino, among others.
The bandola, along with the tiple and the guitar, star in the presentations, highlighting the richness of the music of the Andean region.
The Bandola Festival (Festival de la Bandola) also has an academic component, with workshops and conferences that seek to teach and disseminate knowledge about Andean music and instrument construction. There are also cultural activities such as book presentations, folk dances and local craft exhibitions.
This event is a celebration of the cultural identity of Seville and the country, promoting the preservation and dissemination of Andean music, as well as the talent of traditional and contemporary musicians.