At the end of June in Convención, a municipality in the northern department of Norte de Santander, the Panela Festival (Festival de La Panela ) is celebrated, a fiesta that pays homage to the town's traditions and its emblematic product.

Agricultural exhibitions and craft displays are fundamental parts of the festival.

Here, "panela" shines both in its traditional presentation and in various sweets and beverages derived from it.

In addition to this, the festival includes contests and traditional games such as ball-bearing cart races, greased pig competitions, and sack races, activities that ensure fun for the entire community.

The parades of floats and dance troupes, as well as the Panela Beauty Pageant, where young women from the municipality compete for the title of queen representing the beauty and hardworking spirit of the region, are other important attractions of the fiesta, along with concerts featuring local artists and special national guests.

The Panela Festival (Festival de La Panela ) is not only a celebration of agricultural work but also an opportunity to promote tourism and highlight the traditions and culture of the Catatumbo region.