In mid-July, Belén de los Andaquíes dresses up for the celebration of the San Pedro festivities, which in this municipality 45 kilometers south of Florencia are celebrated with the Cultural Meeting of the Mountain Man.
During the weekend, the Belemites celebrate their culture and traditions with activities such as the parade of floats and troupes with motifs alluding to the history and customs of the town or rafting events and cast net competition in the Pescado River that highlight the fishing vocation of the municipality. 

During the festival, a pageant is also held with candidates from the urban area of ​​the town as well as from the villages of the municipality, in which the contestants exhibit both their beauty and their knowledge about the culture of the region and their skills for the San Juan Caqueteño , an emblematic dance of the department brought there by the Huila settlers who arrived in the region in the mid-20th century.
The Mountain Man Festival is a space for meeting and celebration, which strengthens the sense of belonging and cultural identity of Belén de los Andaquíes, attracting visitors and keeping alive the town's own traditions.

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