At the end of June in the Valle del Cauca municipality of Yumbo, just 10 kilometers from the urban center of Cali, the traditional National Dance Meeting (Encuentro Nacional de Danzas) takes place, an event that already has more than 25 editions and that annually attracts more of 5,000 people.
The festival begins with a colorful parade. The attending dancers walk the streets of the municipality wearing the typical costumes of their regions of origin in a day that serves as an appetizer for the presentations of the following days. 

During the festival, over three days, groups from Cundinamarca, Antioquia, Tolima, Nariño, Santander, Meta and several municipalities of Valle del Cauca perform in the Sebastián de Belalcázar Park with staging that brings out the richness musical and dance of Colombia.
The National Dance Meeting (Encuentro Nacional de Danzas) in Yumbo is a show of pride in the cultural diversity of Colombia and a space for integration between communities from different regions of the country.

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