With beautiful colonial architecture and located more than 2,900 meters above sea level, Monguí is famous for its hand-sewn balls, a tradition that dates back to the 1930s when Florián Ladino set up the first workshop dedicated to their manufacture. To honor this product, which has become a hallmark of the municipality, the National Ball Festival (Festival Nacional del Balón) is celebrated every year in October.
Soccer is the protagonist of the festival during the weekend: using the iconic Monguiseño balls, matches are played, such as the women's soccer match between the Monguí team and that of the nearby town of Mongua, in which both teams wear typical peasant costumes. 

Matches are also played between the Monguí National Team and the Colonia de Monguí National Team in Bogotá, or between the Villa de Monguí Soccer School and some other soccer academy in Boyacá.
There are also freestyle competitions or the popular “veintiuna” and hand-sewn ball making contests, all enlivened by live music throughout the weekend. 

The National Ball Festival (Festival Nacional del Balón) is a perfect opportunity to learn more about one of the most iconic artisan traditions of Boyacá, as well as to visit one of the most beautiful towns in the department, with its characteristic Calicanto Bridge built in the 16th century, which is part of the Network of Heritage Towns of Colombia.

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