Between July and August in Floridablanca, the Peasant Music Festival (Festival de Música Campesina de Floridablanca) takes place, an event promoted by the municipal government with which tribute is paid to the culture of rural Floridian areas.
Every weekend concerts are held in different villages of the municipality, taking the carranga and the guasca to every corner of the rural area of ​​Floridablanca. 

Attendees dance to the rhythm of the music and there is space for the development of traditional games such as the popular bolo criollo, cultural heritage of Santander. 

Simultaneously with the Peasant Music Festival, the Guane Gastronomic Festival is held, thanks to which attendees have the opportunity to enjoy typical dishes of the region such as wafers, mute or pepitoria de chivo.
The Floridablanca Peasant Music Festival not only fosters pride in peasant roots, but also promotes the continuity of a musical tradition that reflects the essence of the Colombian countryside.

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