The Fire Carnival (Carnaval del Fuego) is the most important celebration in the municipality of Tumaco, born as a response of community solidarity to the fire that suffered the town's fire station in the 1950s. 

To raise funds for its repair, a bazaar and a beauty pageant were organized, which later became a local tradition that continues to this day, celebrated in the five days leading up to the start of Lent.

Currently, there are three main events during the Carnival of Fire: first is the Nautical Parade, where colorfully decorated boats cruise along the beaches, led by the previous year's Queen of Fire.

During the Nautical Parade, there is also an initial showcase of the pageant candidates, representing various neighborhoods and communities of Tumaco. The election of the new Queen of Fire captures much of the attention during the carnival.

Finally, the carnival reaches its peak with the main parade through the streets of Tumaco.

The Carnival of Fire (Carnaval del Fuego) is an opportunity to delve into the heart of the Afro-Colombian culture of this region of the Colombian Pacific.

These five days are filled with the rhythm of the "marimba", "bombo", and "cununo", where, in addition to enjoying the vibrant colors of the festival, attendees can savor typical dishes from the region, including shrimp ceviche, various types of rice, fish cooked in coconut, crabs, and "jaiba" (a type of crab), as well as different fish preparations.

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