On the banks of the Metica River, about 83 kilometers from Villavicencio, lies Puerto López, a town where every August the Canoeist Festival (Festival del Canoero) is held. With nearly two decades of tradition, it has become one of the main events on the region's festive calendar.
The festival's name pays tribute to the fishermen, who have been essential to the town's economic development since its beginnings.
River activities are a central part of the festival. On the Metica River, competitions such as "atarraya" casting, loose net casting, canoeing, and boat races take place, where local fishermen showcase their skills in an atmosphere of camaraderie and friendly competition.
In addition to the water competitions, the festival includes cultural events like "llanera" music contests with traditional categories such as "voz recia", original "pasaje", dance couples, and improvised verses, as well as traditional sports like bull tailing and roping.
The beauty pageant, featuring contestants from across the municipality, is another eagerly anticipated event of the festival. The Canoeist Festival (Festival del Canoero) not only highlights the importance of rivers in the lives of the "llaneros", but also strengthens the cultural identity of Puerto López, attracting visitors from all over the country.